6 Proper Waste Management Tips

Published on April 29, 2021
6 Proper Waste Management Tips

What are the tips for proper waste management for businesses? 

  1. Create a team for waste management
  2. Measure your company’s waste periodically
  3. Discourage The Use Of Single-Use Items
  4. Look for local collectors of recyclable materials
  5. Use the appropriate trash bins for your waste
  6. Segregate waste properly through color-coding

We cannot stress enough the importance of responsible waste disposal practices. If not discarded correctly, certain wastes can be dangerous and hazardous. Apart from that, it can also cause diseases, infiltrate water, and severely contaminate the environment. This is why you should take corresponding procedures to manage your trash. Keep reading for some great waste management tips you can apply to your establishment. 

Create A Team For Waste Management
Create a team for waste management

Make sure you allocate enough resources to waste management programs. You can start by creating a team focused on the planning and execution of waste solutions. Recruit members from different departments so you have varying perspectives available. 

Measure Your Company’s Waste Periodically

With a team to report on your progress, you can start setting goals for your waste management program.  For example, do you want to reduce waste? Or maybe you’re looking for recycling solutions that can decrease the amount of trash you send to landfills. Whatever your goals for waste are, you need to track your company’s waste periodically.

This way, you can compare your progress. With one change implemented at a time, you can see the impact it does on your company and the environment.

Discourage The Use Of Single-Use Items
Discourage The Use Of Single-Use Items

By discouraging single-use packaging, you can lessen landfill waste and encourage long-term use of sturdier items instead. For example, some companies provide their products in glass bottles instead of plastic. 

Look For Local Collectors Of Recyclable Materials

If waste can’t be prevented, there are numerous ways you can prevent it from going to the landfill. For example, if your company deals with food waste, you can convert it to compost instead. You can partner with local donation outlets and companies that implement waste exchanges. 

Use The Appropriate Trash Bins For Your Waste
Use the appropriate trash bins for your waste

If you don’t have the right containers and bins to sort your waste, you can’t manage your recycling programs properly

When selecting your waste bins, look for sturdy and user-friendly designs. For example, a container with wheels can be transported easily inside your building if you need to sort through your recyclable materials. A bin with foot pedals is a better choice outside kitchen areas because it can be accessed without having to be touched.

Segregate Waste Properly Through Color-Coding

Color coding is a great way to sort out waste without having to manually check each bin. This way, you can save time and make recycling more convenient for your team. This idea is used by numerous companies. 

Depending on your preference, you can choose a color that can signify the contents of a waste bin. For example, you can use blue containers for paper, green for glass objects, red for plastic packaging, and black for cans. This can encourage recycling whether you’re a small workplace or a large corporation. 

Key Takeaway

If you’re stumped on what to do about your company’s discarded items, these waste management tips can help you reduce, reuse, and recycle your trash! All you need is a focused team, goals, and the right equipment from a reputable supplier.

If you need industrial waste bins for your business, you can contact Del’s Apparel. With sturdy and easy-to-use products, this investment is worth it for your long-term waste management plans.